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Many Hiring Managers believe that recruitment efforts in December can be ineffective because businesses are traditionally slowing down and typically there is lots of annual leave being taken which makes it harder to complete objectives. Hiring initiatives are therefore often pushed back to the New Year when things pick up again. 

However, the last month of the year can be a golden opportunity to hire. Employed candidates have more free time to consider a new job due to their own reduced workload and many are re-evaluating their current job, prospects and planning for the future. This makes December a prime opportunity to reach these candidates. 

Here are 7 reasons we believe you should consider starting your hiring process in December:  

1 Less Competition 
Many companies slow down their hiring efforts in December, creating a less competitive hiring environment. This can give proactive companies an edge in attracting top talent before competitors.  

2 Higher Candidate Availability 
Candidates may have more flexibility in December due to holiday time off, making it easier to attend interviews and complete applications. They will also be more likely to talk freely on the phone to potential new employers during annual leave and bank holidays.  

3 Strong Candidate Pool 
Highly qualified candidates who want a fresh start in January often look for new positions in December. As people reflect on the past year, many professionals begin to consider new career opportunities, making December a time when more people are open to exploring job offers.  

4 Forthcoming Changes to Labour Employment Laws 
Labour has confirmed many changes to Employment Law which will come into effect in the coming months. Hiring in December enables you to hire new talent before these changes take place, reducing the need to update candidate packs, employment contracts, and hiring collateral beforehand.   

5 Internal Availability 
If there's a leftover budget from the year, companies may be eager to fill positions before it expires, motivating hiring managers to move quickly and make competitive offers. Also, many decision-makers are less busy in December and more available for interviews, meetings, and approvals, which can speed up the hiring process.  

6 Positive Brand Impression 
From a cultural perspective, December is generally a hive of activity in terms of social events and camaraderie is high in the workplace. This gives any potential candidates a great opportunity to see your business in a less formal setting and to meet teams perhaps during a Christmas party prior to joining.  

Recruiting in December also sends a positive message about your business. It demonstrates that your organisation is forward-thinking and focused on growth, even when other businesses are slowing down. This showcases your business as a dynamic employer of choice, attracting high-calibre candidates who value your proactive approach. 

7 Head Start for the New Year 
Starting the recruitment process in December enables companies to onboard new hires in early January, making for a strong, productive start to the year. 

Using December for recruitment allows companies to strategically capitalize on the unique timing, attracting quality candidates who are motivated for a fresh start. 

Ultimately, December is a gift-giving season, and what better gift to receive than a new job with great perks? Take advantage of these opportunities to ramp up your recruitment in December ready to start the New Year with some fantastic talent to drive your business forward.  

We hope you enjoyed this article. Carrot Recruitment partners with the Pharma/Biotech and MedTech sectors to offer permanent and contract recruitment solutions plus a range of additional bespoke services to help optimise attraction, assessment, and retention strategies. We offer a range of permanent and contract recruitment services and can adapt our approach easily to fit with your resourcing requirements. To discuss future hiring requirements or to understand more about how we can support your business objectives, please get in touch. 


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